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First-rate quality

securing the future

The high quality of our products is one of the key success factors of our business and ensures our future competitiveness.

Quality means much more to us than merely meeting existing demands; it means working alertly and purposefully and continuously improving our performance.

We constantly allow our high quality standards to be examined and confirmed by independent societies and institutes. The external auditors support us in our efforts to continuously improve our products and processes. Thus, we optimally meet the ever-increasing demands on our products.

For the environment

.. it’s about the people!

“We want to do everything in order to create a clean and healthy working environment!”
A. Coppenrath

Coppenrath Feingebäck follows an active environmental policy that takes in all business sectors and all company employees. In addition to numerous measures in corporate environmental management, we place a special focus on the use of sustainably produced raw materials. Here you get an insight into our environmental activities:

Energy management system

We keep an eye on an environmentally friendly and sustainable production, so we now also take internal measures to improve our energy balance through lower CO2 emissions continuously:

  • Low consumption lighting systems indoor and outdoor (LED, presence detector)
  • Use of earth energy (geothermal)
  • Water-saving technology (heating & cooling, aerators, automatic start / stop function)
  • Rainwater collection system
  • Waste heat recovery
  • Intelligent building (orientation of windows, ventilation, insulation, etc.)

Our employees are aware of the issue of energy saving and promoting awareness. We want to work together to identify potential for more optimization, so that we can remain a sustainable and successful future.

For the first time we have carried out in 2015 an audit of our energy management system and successfully passed it. The international standard DIN EN ISO 50001 has been around since 2011, and is the first globally accepted standard.

Paper cases - For the environment

To contribute to the sustainable development strategy of the family bakery Coppenrath, the conventional plastic blister was replaced with an environmentally friendly paper case. It can be folded without any adhesives and can thus be easily disposed of in the waste paper recycling.

In the future we want to change 100% of our products over from plastic to paper!

Palm oil from sustainable cultivation

For several years Coppenrath is a member of the RSPO (Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil). The association is composed of different organizations (producers, traders, NGOs, etc.) and is committed to promote a sustainable production of palm oil and its use.

There are two different delivery models:

  • "Mass Balance" - partly sustained
  • "segregation" - completely sustainable

From July 2016 on, we are exclusively supplied with certified palm oil!

For more information: RSPO

Organic materials

For some products, we also use selected raw materials from organic farming for the production.


Certified quality


Great benefit of a strong network

BDSI – Association of the German Industry for Sweets, reg. assoc. (German: Bundesverband der Deutschen Süßwarenindustrie e.V)

Sweet Global Networks, reg. assoc.

ZDS – Central Professional School of the German Sweets Industry, reg. assoc. (German: Zentralfachschule der Deutschen Süßwarenwirtschaft e.V.)

German Sweets Export Promotion, reg. assoc. (German: German Sweets Süßwarenexportförderung e.V.)